Gallia County Community Reinvestment Area Tax Abatement Programs
Multiple Community Reinvestment Area (CRA) tax abatement programs are in place in Gallia County to incentivize new construction for residential, commercial, and industrial projects through property tax abatements.
Depending on your project type, you may fall into different categories, which require different application processes, project requirements, fees, and more.
Receiving an abatement is contingent upon investments in real property. If a property owner is not making real property improvements, there will be no increased real property value to abate, and they therefore will not be eligible for an abatement.
All tax abatements have a required application and process that should be reviewed in detail before you start your project. Projects that do not submit an application and receive approval will not receive an abatement.
As of January 2025, eligible projects in Gallia County’s unincorporated areas, the City of Gallipolis, and the Village of Rio Grande may apply for a tax abatement.
Understanding the Tax Abatement Process in unincorporated Gallia County
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For residential projects (4 units or less)
For commercial residential project (5 units or more)
Understanding the Tax Abatement Process in Gallipolis
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For residential projects (4 units or less)
For commercial residential project (5 units or more)
Understanding the Tax Abatement Process in Rio Grande
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For residential projects (4 units or less)
For commercial residential project (5 units or more)
Applying for a Tax Abatement in unincorporated Gallia County
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Residential Abatement Pre-Application (4 units or less)
Residential Abatement Final Application (4 units or less)
Commercial Residential Abatement Application (5 units or more)
Applying for a Tax Abatement in Gallipolis
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Residential Abatement Pre-Application (4 units or less)
Residential Abatement Final Application (4 units or less)
Commercial Residential Abatement Application (5 units or more)
Applying for a Tax Abatement in Rio Grande
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Residential Abatement Pre-Application (4 units or less)
Residential Abatement Final Application (4 units or less)
Commercial Residential Abatement Application (5 units or more)
Residential projects (4 units or less) can contact the Gallia County Auditor’s office at 740-446-4612 ext. 1201 or by email at mhowell@gallianet.net.
Commercial residential (5 units or more) or commercial/industrial projects can contact Economic Development at 740-418-9566 or by email at cmassie@rio.edu.
Which best describes the residential project you’re seeking an abatement for?
Single family homes in unincorporated areas of Gallia County and the Village of Rio Grande qualify for a 10-year, 75% tax abatement on the first $265,000 in improved value. Only homes that are intended for permanent residency or a long-term rental (6+ months) are eligible.
New builds
Additions to existing homes
Extensive remodels of existing homes
New structures on residential properties, such as detached garages, storage buildings, barns, etc.
Other real property improvements, such as new porches, decks, sunrooms, in-ground swimming pools, etc.
If you're considering a new residential subdivision in Gallia County or the Village of Rio Grande, each residence within that subdivision is eligible for a 10-year, 75% tax abatement on the first $265,000 in improved value and will transfer to the new owner once the developer sells the property.
Only homes that are intended for permanent residency or a long-term rental (6+ months) are eligible.
New builds
Additions to existing homes
Extensive remodels of existing homes
New structures on residential properties, such as detached garages, storage buildings, barns, etc.
Other real property improvements, such as new porches, decks, sunrooms, in-ground swimming pools, etc.
Subdivisions must follow Gallia County's subdivision regulations, found here.
Residential structures with two, three, or four living units in unincorporated areas of Gallia County or the Village of Rio Grande qualify for a 10-year, 75% tax abatement on the first $265,000 in improved value. Only homes that are intended for permanent residency or a long-term rental (6+ months) are eligible.
New builds
Additions to existing homes
Extensive remodels of existing homes
New structures on residential properties, such as detached garages, storage buildings, barns, etc.
Other real property improvements, such as new porches, decks, sunrooms, in-ground swimming pools, etc.
Apartment/condominium complexes are those that have five individual dwelling units or more. These projects are considered commercial projects and are therefore eligible to receive up to a 15-year, 100% property tax abatement on improvement value. This abatement can apply toward newly-built complexes, expansions to existing complexes, or significant renovations to existing complexes.
Projects that create jobs and are in close proximity to commercial districts, employers, and recreation amenities while demonstrating a commitment to quality, safety, and affordability will have the strongest opportunity to receive an abatement.
Any projects exceeding a 10-year, 75% abatement will need to be approved by the impacted school district board.
Mixed-Use Residential/Commercial are projects that include both residential for-rent units, as well as commercial/retail space. These projects are considered commercial projects and are therefore eligible to receive up to a 15-year, 100% property tax abatement on improvement value. This abatement can apply toward newly-built facilities, expansions to existing facilities, or significant renovations to existing facilities.
Projects that create jobs and are in close proximity to commercial districts, employers, and recreation amenities while demonstrating a commitment to quality, safety, and affordability will have the strongest opportunity to receive an abatement.
Any projects exceeding a 10-year, 75% abatement will need to be approved by the impacted school district board.
Developments of five units or more intended for short-term rental function similarly to a hotel or motel and are therefore eligible to receive up to a 15-year, 100% property tax abatement on improvement value. This abatement can apply toward newly-built structures, expansions to existing structures, or significant renovations to existing structures.
Projects that create jobs and are in close proximity to commercial districts, employers, and recreation amenities while demonstrating a commitment to quality, safety, and affordability will have the strongest opportunity to receive an abatement.
Any projects exceeding a 10-year, 75% abatement will need to be approved by the impacted school district board.
New structures four units and under, built and intended to serve as short-term rentals, and listed on platforms such as Airbnb, VRBO, etc. are not eligible for a tax abatement.
While visitors are welcomed and valued in Gallia County, the CRA program's primary goal is to encourage permanent residency, job creation, and commercial/industrial growth.
Hotel, Motel, or Resort projects are those that have five individual dwelling units or more. These projects are considered commercial projects and are therefore eligible to receive up to a 15-year, 100% property tax abatement on improvement value. This abatement can apply toward newly-built structures, expansions to existing structures, or significant renovations to existing structures.
Projects that create jobs and are in close proximity to commercial districts, employers, and recreation amenities while demonstrating a commitment to quality, safety, and affordability will have the strongest opportunity to receive an abatement.
Any projects exceeding a 10-year, 75% abatement will need to be approved by the impacted school district board.
Which best describes the commercial or industrial project you’re seeking an abatement for?
A Commercial/Retail project is one that will be used exclusively for commercial or retail. This abatement can apply toward newly-built facilities, expansions to existing facilities, or significant renovations to existing facilities.
These projects are eligible to receive up to a 15-year, 100% property tax abatement on improvement value.
Projects that create and/or retain jobs, pay at-market or above-market wages, make substantial capital investments, have a demonstrated ability to undertake the project, and have a history of adherence to previous incentives will have the strongest opportunity to receive an abatement.
Any projects exceeding a 10-year, 75% abatement will need to be approved by the impacted school district board.
A warehouse project is eligible to receive up to a 15-year, 100% property tax abatement on improvement value. This abatement can apply toward newly-built facilities, expansions to existing facilities, or significant renovations to existing facilities.
Projects that create and/or retain jobs, pay at-market or above-market wages, make substantial capital investments, have a demonstrated ability to undertake the project, and have a history of adherence to previous incentives will have the strongest opportunity to receive an abatement.
Any projects exceeding a 10-year, 75% abatement will need to be approved by the impacted school district board.
An industrial facility project is eligible to receive up to a 15-year, 100% property tax abatement on improvement value. This abatement can apply toward newly-built facilities, expansions to existing facilities, or significant renovations to existing facilities.
Projects that create and/or retain jobs, pay at-market or above-market wages, make substantial capital investments, have a demonstrated ability to undertake the project, and have a history of adherence to previous incentives will have the strongest opportunity to receive an abatement.
Any projects exceeding a 10-year, 75% abatement will need to be approved by the impacted school district board.
Frequently Asked Questions
A Community Reinvestment Area (CRA) is a common economic development tool that provides an incentive for industrial, commercial, and residential property owners to improve their property through an addition or building a new building or home. The incentive works by giving an abatement (reduction) of the taxes owed on the real property improvements made to the property. Simply put, the owner would pay less in taxes.
For example, if a property owner adds a $20,000 real property addition to their house, such as a sunroom, that would typically add about $300 in property taxes annually. With a CRA, that amount can be abated, saving the homeowner money each year over the abatement term. These savings make improvements and new construction more affordable and provide an incentive for property owners to do projects that otherwise would not happen.
The property owner will always pay the original tax value on their existing property. The only reduced value is on the value of the improvements.
On the residential front, the CRA is intended to grow Gallia County’s permanent population by addressing the shortage of housing for all income levels. The lack of available, affordable, quality housing hinders growth, impacting workforce availability and government tax receipts. With major economic development projects happening throughout the Ohio Valley region bringing thousands of new jobs, this is a crucial tool to incentivizing new residents to live here.
A lack of housing has impacted Gallia County’s growth. Without quality affordable housing, employees and their families will find a residence in other places, preventing them from putting down roots here, paying taxes here, and contributing to the community. For younger people, a lack of rental options and affordable starter homes have led them to leave and build lives elsewhere.
For commercial and industrial projects, the CRA’s goal is to incentivize new job-creating projects, as well as incentivize existing employers to expand their operations and retain employees. Job-creating commercial and industrial projects commonly seek tax abatements to offset the immense, up-front capital investments required to establish a new facility or expand an existing one. Communities will compete for these projects by offering a host of incentives, with tax abatements being a common incentive.
In exchange for an abatement, companies commit to certain levels of job creation, payroll, and capital investment in that community. Not being able to offer this kind of incentive to beat competing communities’ offers can mean losing out on major investments that create good jobs in Gallia County.
The CRA program is intended to benefit the broader community in many ways.
Commercial and industrial development will result in more good-paying job opportunities for our residents.
The improvement of housing stock in Gallia County will provide more housing options at all income levels, encourage the clean-up of dilapidated properties, and increase property values for surrounding residents.
“Retail follows rooftops,” so if residents want to see more restaurants and shopping options, our population needs to be able to support those new options. Generally, retailers prefer to see growing populations to make new investments in restaurants and shopping.
An increase in population would likely bring an increase in local public school enrollment, supporting education jobs and the community cohesion resulting from strong public school systems.
Any property in the unincorporated areas of Gallia County are eligible for the program. Any property owners inside the villages of Gallipolis, Rio Grande, Cheshire, Vinton, Centerville, and Crown City would need to follow their municipality’s local CRA legislation, if available.
The CRA is built to incentivize the development that fills the community’s identified needs. For example, in a 2024 Housing Study, Gallia County identified the need for:
Significant growth of multi-family developments, such as apartments, townhomes, and condos.
Single-family homes in dense subdivisions.
Infill single-family and multi-family homes on existing lots.
Renovations of existing single-family and multi-family housing stock.
Gallia County’s 2024 Economic Development Strategic Plan identified industrial development as the community’s top economic development priority. With billions in new investment and thousands of new jobs coming to the surrounding region, there is a strong potential for Gallia County to capitalize on the downstream impacts of those projects to create new jobs and growth.
The CRA was created by county resolution and can be revoked at any time. The vision for this program is that it would be evaluated at the end of 2027 by the County Commission and extended, adjusted, or dissolved based on the CRA’s performance. A three year window will allow enough time to judge the program’s effectiveness and make necessary adjustments as the market changes.
Any projects that receive an abatement during this timeframe will continue to receive their abatement, even if the program were to be dissolved.
Schools benefit when property values increase county-wide.
With this program, property values around the County are expected to go up in the residential market as older homes are renovated, and new homes are built on land currently generating very little property tax revenue.
For commercial and industrial projects, local schools will benefit from long-term tax revenues gained from large facilities, as well as the possible influx of new people to the community as employment opportunities are generated from new development.
During the abatement period, local school districts forego a portion of the revenue they would ordinarily receive with increased property value. Once the abatement period is over for an abated project, the school system receives its full share of the increased property tax revenue.
It is important to remember that this is an incentive. It is trying to create activity that is not naturally occurring in the market right now. Without new development, the schools will continue to collect the same amount of money on idle or dilapidated properties, even as their costs increase.
Additionally, commercial and housing development typically begets more retail and commercial activity as businesses seek to be close to population centers, customers, and suppliers. This generates a cycle of activity that lifts up the existing property tax base.
Our school districts also need affordable housing for their employees. With the turnover in the education field around the state, our local schools will likely see an increase in new employees. Ideally, new staff will be able to live within the district’s boundaries. Employees that live locally result in higher employee retention and engagement with the school district. This program incentivizes more housing development locally, which can provide homes for new staff.
There will be no impact on the funds currently collected by the school district. The school district will never receive less funding as the result of an abatement. This is because it only applies to improved value after additions or new construction.
This is intended to stimulate development activity that has not been naturally occurring at a significant level in Gallia County, which has led to a higher property tax burden on residents and businesses and created revenue shortfalls for schools.
We do not anticipate that this program will create a significant enrollment jump that our local schools couldn’t handle with their existing facilities and staff.
The CRA program was designed over the course of many months that included in-depth discussions with each public school board in the County to ensure their concerns and questions were addressed.
Myths vs. Facts
Myth: A CRA only benefits new people and businesses coming to Gallia County.
Fact: While this incentive is expected to attract new people to invest in Gallia County, it also benefits existing residents and other taxable entities investing in real property in Gallia County, given they meet the specified parameters. Any residential property owner can take advantage of the abatement program, and many existing commercial and industrial businesses could have the opportunity to get abatements.
Myth: This takes away money from our schools.
Fact: There will be no impact on the funds currently collected by the school district. This program only applies to improved value after additions or new construction. The CRA is intended to incentivize activity that isn’t naturally happening in the market and wouldn’t happen if it weren’t for the abatement. Additionally, these abatements don’t last forever; after the abatement period, the taxpayer pays a normal rate on their property, resulting in an influx of revenue for our school districts that might have never happened without the abatement.
Myth: This will only benefit high-income earners.
Fact: This policy is intended to benefit all income levels. Escalating housing and rent prices are the result of a lack of housing inventory. This attempts to incentivize the development of more housing supply and options for homebuyers and renters, which we anticipate will slow the increase in housing prices Gallia County has seen in recent years.
Myth: People who can’t afford homes are going to get left behind with this program.
Fact: This policy is specifically targeted at increasing the supply of multi-family housing – rentals – which caters to people who can’t afford to buy or build a home. More supply means more competition and therefore more affordable prices for renters. Additionally, by providing abatements for multi-family housing developers, we reduce their cost basis for the total project, enabling them to potentially charge a more competitive monthly rent.
Myth: I automatically get an abatement when I build a new commercial building, new home, or after completing a major renovation.
Fact: Property owners do not automatically get an abatement. Commercial and industrial projects must be negotiated before the project begins and, in some cases, will not have a level of jobs or wages that support a tax abatement. Residential projects must complete an application process before and after their project for it to be applied to their property tax bill. Projects that don’t follow the application process will not receive an abatement.
Myth: I can get an abatement for moving into a new house or new commercial facility.
Fact: Abatements only apply to improvements of a property. Simply buying and moving into a new home or building does not qualify a property owner for an abatement; the property owner would have to be make a qualifying addition or renovation to receive an abatement.
Myth: You’re giving tax breaks to new residents and businesses instead of existing residents and businesses that have faithfully paid their taxes here already.
Fact: Existing residents and businesses can receive abatements for qualifying projects, just like new residents and businesses.